Sunday, November 04, 2012


Yes, indeed.

So readers, can you pardon me for my silence and let's just be comfortable.


  1. Hi Irina, can i know whats the diet plan when youre modelling?

    1. Hey!! :-)

      Well, this was my answer back then

      As for now, the answer is still kind of the same. I still eat regularly and maybe slightly more then before. Eventho more, I actually lost some weight which is funny. I'm now 50kg, standing at 178cm. I workout quite irregularly cause of my crazy schedule and my laziness, but I do it whenever I can.

      Tips for best diet plan:

      1. Know your blood type - eat according to blood type is important cause some fruits/vegetables/meats may not be good for your body. Eg: sweet potatoes/yam etc aren't good for me, but they are my FAVE food!!!! :'(

      Do a search on it. I can't find this SUPER GOOD chart I used to follow. When I get it, I'll post it up on my blog. Meanwhile, just go read up.

      And... I realize I only have this one tip hahahaha. Quite a few models that I know follow this. As in, those who do it the healthy way. Ain't sure about the rest haha.

      Hope this helps yeah!!!!

  2. Thank you very much! :D

  3. Hello! Mind sharing where you got your new denim shorts from in your recent instagram picture? Thanks a lot :')

    1. Hiiiii!

      Idk if you receive my reply previously. If you're referring to the pic w lots of new clothes on my insta, they're from Korea gmarket! :>
