Thursday, January 05, 2012


How do you stay in shape?

Well, I think this is a rather tough question. All I can say is that I am really glad to be genetically blessed. Since young I've been underweight and stick thin. I wouldn't call this shape. How can stick thin me be a "in shape"? Hahaha. Well, the only time I really did put on some weights was in Secondary 4, during O' levels period. I stayed up really late almost every night to study then. And I came up with a reward system for myself. Every question that I got right, I would eat something. So.... yeah, that's how I got chubbier. I was still thin, but chubby. I don't know how to explain but yeah. Haha.

Well, I used to believe in healthy lifestyle then I got lazy hahahaha. I used to run quite regularly, but now... I am too attached to my bed and staying home. I just can't get out and do something. It's really unhealthy please do not learn this from me. The only form of exercise I recognize now is maybe dancing in club. Hahaha. Not a healthy tip yeah. But, I am trying to get myself back on track. Like... run every Thursday? We'll see.

As for diet, I eat a little of everything. Too much of anything is no good, too little and you'll crave, so just nice a little of everything will do. If your body wants a small piece of chocolate/junk food, give it a small piece and feel good about it. The worst you can do is always feel bad about what you eat unless you eat healthy all the time.  Please do not start counting calories! To me, I think it is a very bad habit. You are gonna drive yourself nuts over what you eat and count!

Life is more than being skinny. Love yourself and your body. I always believe that the difference is what makes us unique. So yeah, have a nice day!

1 comment :

  1. IRINA!

    just read this. (something i learnt)

    When you have children, teach them the following.

    Archery: teaches your children how to sharpen their focus on a goal.

    Swimming: teaches them how to cope with pressure. (if they struggle more, they will drown)

    Horse riding: when children can tame a horse, they know that they have the ability to lead mankind. (leadership in mind)

    Hope you have a good week ahead! You look good always.
